The Center for Mindfulness (CFM) at UMass Memorial Health in Worcester, Massachusetts, offers online programs for those seeking to explore the benefits of mindfulness on health and quality of life. By developing awareness through mindfulness practices, we can learn to reduce stress, cultivate resilience and embrace a deeper mind-body connection to improve well-being.

CFM is the birthplace of the landmark Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, created at UMass Memorial Medical Center in 1979 by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, UMass Chan Medical School Professor Emeritus.

Since then hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have completed the MBSR program. It has become the international gold standard of mindfulness-based interventions for its demonstrated positive effects on stress, pain and illness. Today, the CFM also includes mindfulness-based courses for individuals living with depression and acute and chronic pain.

Whether you're a beginner looking to start your mindfulness journey or a seasoned practitioner seeking to deepen your practice, CFM can help.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a practice of awareness, and offers many benefits to our health and well-being, body and mind.

Mindfulness Programs

We offer a variety of tuition-based courses.

Meet Our Instructors

Our CFM-certified instructors bring the highest standards in mindfulness instruction.

What is Mindfulness?


"Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, nonjudgmentally."

Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD


Mindfulness is about experiencing each moment as it unfolds. By paying attention to the present moment, acknowledging whatever arises with an accepting attitude, and tuning in to our physical sensations, thoughts, and emotions, we can respond to stressors in our lives with greater balance and ease.

Mindfulness can be practiced in various forms, including meditation, yoga, or simply by integrating mindful awareness into daily activities like eating, walking or listening. It isn’t tied to any specific religion or belief system.

Decades of scientific research have demonstrated the benefits of mindfulness practice to transform the lives of individuals, including:

Physical Benefits

    Boost energy level

    Improve sleep quality

    Reduce the effects of chronic pain

    Improve heart health

    Ease digestive discomfort

Mental Health Benefits

    Relieve stress

    Reduce anxiety

    Improve mood and emotional regulation

    Enhance concentration and focus

    Improve self-esteem


Our programs help you develop skills and provide guidance on integrating these practices into daily life. Our live online courses are offered via Zoom and require the use of a desktop/laptop computer for the most effective experience. Courses are experiential and involve group discussions and sharing of experiences. Participants learn from each other’s insights and challenges, creating community and support. We offer flexible morning or evening programs to accommodate a day and time that is convenient for you. Courses include daily home practice assignments to apply strategies and techniques learned in class.

Our certified instructors represent years of training and experience in MBSR, MBCT and mindfulness and meditation practices. They bring professionalism, knowledge and compassion to their work, embodying the essence of what they teach and maintaining the highest standards in mindfulness instruction.

4-Week Online Mindfulness Tools

The 4-Week Mindfulness Tools course provides a welcoming space to give you a taste of mindfulness and practical tools you can employ to manage stress and anxiety. Through four, 90-minute online classes, participants gain a deeper understanding of mindfulness practices, benefits to health and wellness, and how to integrate them into their lives. The program is similar to MBSR in many of its practices and exercises, but differs in its duration and depth. This shorter option is ideal for beginners, those with limited time and resources, or experienced meditators who may be looking to renew their practice with a supportive group of participants on the same path. The Summer Mindfulness Tools courses will be recorded for the purpose of program development. Your image and voice will not be used from these recordings. Cost: $175

4-Week Online Mindfulness for Managing Pain

This is a specialized program for individuals dealing with acute or chronic pain. Through four, 90-minute online sessions, participants learn essential mindfulness practices and engage in exercises designed to equip them with effective tools for pain management. By integrating mindfulness as a complement to existing pain management strategies, participants can reduce suffering, combat stress and enhance their overall well-being. Cost: $175

8-Week Online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

MBSR is the landmark program created by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD. It’s designed to help individuals effectively manage stress and improve their overall well-being. Over the course of eight weeks, participants engage in mindfulness meditation practices, gentle yoga and discussions that explore the mind-body connection. MBSR empowers individuals to develop lifelong skills for coping with the challenges of daily life, ultimately promoting greater emotional and physical well-being. This course includes an initial orientation session, eight (2.5 hour) weekly classes, and an all-day class on a weekend, usually between weeks six and seven. You must be willing to attend all classes and commit to daily home practice assignments for 45-60 minutes. Completion of this course fulfills the pre-requisite requirement for beginning a teacher training and certification pathway. Este curso está disponible en español. Cost: $650

8-Week Online Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

MBCT combines elements of mindfulness meditation with principles of cognitive therapy. It’s designed to help individuals struggling with depression and anxiety. Participants learn mindfulness practices to become more aware of their thoughts and feelings without judgment. By recognizing early signs of depression or anxiety, they can interrupt the cycle of relapse and develop healthier responses to challenging emotions in the hopes of preventing relapse. MBCT empowers individuals to cultivate emotional resilience and a more balanced mental state. You must be willing to attend all classes and commit to daily practice assignments for 45-60 minutes. This course includes an initial orientation session, eight (2.5 hour) weekly classes, and an all-day class on a weekend, usually between weeks six and seven. Cost: $650

Mindfulness: Three-Day Online Retreats to Deepen Practice

The retreat focuses on bringing mindfulness more deeply into our lives through the exploration of a framework for living a meaningful and ethical life. Understanding, developed through concentration and extended periods of mindfulness practice can settle the mind and allow us to see more clearly.

Intention, along with the development and strengthening of these principles and practices can help us live more meaningful and connected lives. We hope you will join us on this weekend of silent exploration and insight. Cost: $495


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Meet Our Certified Instructors

What Are People Saying About CFM Programs?

"This was a life-changing course for me that came at the perfect time. I feel more grounded and less anxious and have more tools to combat everyday stressors.”

"I started out as a skeptic but became a believer when I saw how mindfulness impacted my life."

“I am very grateful for this class that provided excellent groundwork for meditation and mindfulness practice. I was grateful for the early morning class, which was a wonderful way to start my day each week. I loved the all-day retreat and hearing from the other teachers and was surprised by how engaging it was. Thank you!”

This course was life changing for me! The guided mindfulness meditation practices have decreased my need for pain medications. Thanks to this course I'm able to relax and move through the physical pain, without so much stress & emotional pain.”