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| Boston Herald | In the Media

Massachusetts residents wait in cold for hours to get COVID tests, officials seek more testing sites amid omicron ‘log jam’: ‘We have to do better’

Bay Staters are having their patience tested to kick off the year as thousands of people on Monday waited in massive lines — some shivering in the bitter cold for hours — to get tested for COVID amid the omicron surge.

Learn More about Massachusetts residents wait in cold for hours to get COVID tests, officials seek more testing sites amid omicron ‘log jam’: ‘We have to do better’
| Spectrum News 1 | In the Media

UMass Memorial says positivity rate has 'skyrocketed' to around 30% during recent COVID-19 surge

WORCESTER, Mass. - Monday marked another day of long lines at the Mercantile Center COVID-19 testing site in downtown Worcester.

Hundreds of people lined up to get tested following the holiday season, including 250 people tested in the first hour the clinic was open on Monday.

Learn More about UMass Memorial says positivity rate has 'skyrocketed' to around 30% during recent COVID-19 surge

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