Advance Directive Quiz

How important is it to draw up a living will? Take this quiz and find out.

How important is it to draw up a living will? Take this quiz and find out.

1. The two most common forms of advance directives are the living will and durable power of attorney.
2. A person who has medical power of attorney must be a lawyer.
3. The person you select to be your medical power of attorney is permitted to grant consent for any procedure or treatment if your healthcare provider declares that you are incapacitated.
4. Some states require all residents to have an advance directive.
5. Once an advance directive has been signed, it can't be changed.
6. Advance directives are valid only in the state where they are signed.
7. If you have an advance directive, you should keep a small card in your wallet or purse stating that you have one.
8. You need a special form to write an advance directive.
9. It's best to wait until you are in the hospital before preparing an advance directive.
10. Your advance directive should use vague wording because you won't know exactly what kind of medical situations you may face.