After Bypass Surgery: Caring for Your Incision
After coronary artery bypass surgery, it's important to care for your incision as it heals.
Your incisions may itch or feel sore, tight, or numb for a few weeks after the surgery. These are all normal signs of healing. Some bruising around the incisions is also normal.
To care for your incisions:
Wash them gently with warm water and a mild soap once it's OK with your surgeon to do so. Gently pat them dry. Don't soak the incisions or keep them in water, such as in a bathtub, hot tub, or swimming pool.
To help prevent infection, don't use any lotions or creams near the incisions, unless your healthcare provider tells you to do so.
Many incisions have small strips of tape to support the wound healing process. After several days, they may fall off as they are no longer needed. Don't remove them before this.