After Bypass Surgery: Choosing Activities
As you heal after coronary bypass surgery, it's important to be active but protect your upper body. What activities are safe?
During the first few weeks after surgery, you need to do things that don't use your arms too much. Using your upper body tires you faster. It can also cause pain around your incision and in your chest. It can also slow the healing of the muscle and bones at the incision site. The tips below tell you some things you can do and some you should not do for the first few weeks.
Household chores you can do
As you feel stronger, it's OK to do light household chores such as:
Watering small plants
Light repairs
Setting the table
Washing dishes
Preparing simple meals
Household chores to avoid
Try not to raise your arms above your shoulders. And don't do things that make you push or pull with your upper body, such as:
Vacuuming, sweeping, or scrubbing
Changing sheets on the bed
Moving trash cans or heavy furniture
Carrying filled laundry baskets, baggage, or anything weighing more than 5 pounds
Shoveling snow or using a snow blower