Alzheimer Disease Quiz
Find out more about this degenerative disease of the brain by taking this quiz.
Find out more about this degenerative disease of the brain by taking this quiz.
1. Alzheimer disease is the most common form of which of these?
2. How is Alzheimer disease diagnosed?
3. Physiologically, what happens to the brain as Alzheimer disease progresses?
4. Which of these is the strongest risk factor for developing the disease?
5. Occasionally, other health conditions may mimic this disease. What are they?
6. Signs of Alzheimer disease include which of these symptoms?
7. Which age group has the highest rate of Alzheimer cases reported?
8. Because no medicines cure this condition, emphasis is put on delaying the onset of severe symptoms. Which of these strategies helps?
9. The average time from the onset of symptoms to death is how long?
10. If you care for a relative with Alzheimer disease, which of these measures will help stabilize the patient mentally?