Aplastic Anemia Quiz

Aplastic anemia is a rare blood disorder that affects the growth of blood cells. "Aplastic" means "lack of growth."

Aplastic anemia is a rare blood disorder that affects the growth of blood cells. Aplastic means lack of growth. Learn more about this serious disease by taking the following quiz.

1. Blood cells—red, white and platelets—are made in the bone marrow.
2. In a person with aplastic anemia, the body stops or slows down the making of all blood cells.
3. Having too few red blood cells causes a person to feel tired.
4. Having too few white blood cells makes a person more likely to get sick.
5. Having too few platelets raises the risk for blood clots.
6. Aplastic anemia is diagnosed more commonly in teens, young adults, and older adults.
7. Two types of aplastic anemia have been found: hereditary and acquired.
8. The treatments for aplastic anemia may be similar to those for cancer.