Arthritis Quiz

True or False: Arthritis affects only the wrist, ankle, and knee joints.

This quiz is a chance to find out more about arthritis and arthritis treatment.

1. Although health care providers have identified more than 100 forms of arthritis, most people have 1 of 3 main forms.
2. Arthritis affects only the wrist, ankle, and knee joints.
3. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis.
4. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) affects men twice as often as women.
5. RA can be quite disabling.
6. Gout is the mildest form of arthritis.
7. If you develop arthritis, you should not exercise, because it will further damage joints.
8. You must have swelling in at least 3 joints before arthritis can be diagnosed.
9. If your symptoms of OA or RA disappear, you have been cured.