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| Spectrum News 1 | COVID, Human Interest, In the Media

UMass Memorial Health President and CEO Eric Dickson reflects on 5 years since the start of the COVID pandemic

Local hospitals were filled quite literally to the brim with sick patients for months on end. Field hospitals even needed to be opened. Creating challenges some healthcare leaders never fathomed.

As I think about COVID, I think about how every health care system, how every governmental agency came together and worked together to solve, really, the biggest healthcare crisis of our time.

Dr. Eric Dickson, President and CEO of UMass Memorial Health
Learn More about UMass Memorial Health President and CEO Eric Dickson reflects on 5 years since the start of the COVID pandemic
| Spectrum News 1 | Human Interest, In the Community, In the Media

"I was shell-shocked:" Southbridge man battling colorectal cancer highlights importance of getting tested

A Central Massachusetts man is sharing his story of battling cancer, saying a screening at a local hospital no doubt saved his life. It comes during colorectal cancer awareness month. A disease, experts say, has seen a scary rise in recent years.

Learn More about "I was shell-shocked:" Southbridge man battling colorectal cancer highlights importance of getting tested
| The Worcester Guardian | In the Media, Innovations, Patient Care

Hospital at Home program assists new mothers, patients in need

Imagine recovering from a medical condition in the comfort of your own bed—no noisy beeping, no buzzing machines, no hospital roommates, and no midnight interruptions.

It is not uncommon for our medical centers to have up to 70 patients boarding in our ER department waiting for a bed. It’s not an experience we want for our loved ones or ourselves.

Constantinos Michaelidis | Medical Director of the Hospital at Home program
Learn More about Hospital at Home program assists new mothers, patients in need
| CommonWealth Beacon | In the Community, In the Media, Legislation, Patient Care

The stress test facing Massachusetts health care

We all want sustainable and convenient access to primary care, timely emergency care, and reasonably priced health insurance.

Now is the time for providers, payers, and legislators to come together to develop solutions that reduce administrative burdens for providers, increase investments in primary care, and strengthen safety net institutions.

Dr. Eric Dickson | MD, MHCM, FACEP, President and CEO
Learn More about The stress test facing Massachusetts health care
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