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UMass Memorial Medical Center


News and Media


Massachusetts hospitals are once again crowded with COVID-19 patients

A growing surge of COVID-19 patients is stressing already packed hospitals and causing more cancellations of elective procedures.

"We have a severe bed shortage crisis," said UMass Memorial Health President Eric Dickson. "The patients are backing up into the emergency department that need to be admitted into the hospital."

Learn More about Massachusetts hospitals are once again crowded with COVID-19 patients

UMass Memorial Medical Center


News and Media


UMass Memorial Health holds 20th annual 'Goods for Guns' buyback

WORCESTER, Mass. — Police departments across central Massachusetts handed out gift cards in exchange for guns on Saturday as part of UMass Memorial Health's annual "Goods for Guns" buyback program. 

Participants received gift cards ranging in value from $25 to $75, depending on the type of guns they handed in.

Learn More about UMass Memorial Health holds 20th annual 'Goods for Guns' buyback

UMass Memorial Medical Center


News and Media


'We're not...coming after the Second Amendment': Gun buyback Saturday offers gift cards for weapons

Worcester and eight other police departments will be conducting a gun buyback program Saturday as part of a collaborative initiative to try to reduce the number of firearms in the community.

People can drop off firearms, unloaded and wrapped up or in a bag, and collect a gift card for groceries without having to provide identification or weapon information.

Learn More about 'We're not...coming after the Second Amendment': Gun buyback Saturday offers gift cards for weapons

UMass Memorial Medical Center


News and Media


UMass Memorial president says hospitals need to hang on during new COVID-19 surge

WORCESTER, Mass. - It’s hard to believe that the most vaccinated state in the country, Massachusetts, is seeing a third surge of COVID-19.

UMass Memorial president and CEO, Dr. Eric Dickson, says it's frustrating to see another surge of the virus, especially with more than 72% of Massachusetts residents being fully vaccinated.

Learn More about UMass Memorial president says hospitals need to hang on during new COVID-19 surge

UMass Memorial Medical Center


News and Media


Amid COVID surge, UMass Memorial Health CEO says there aren’t enough inpatient beds across system to meet the current demand

With Central Massachusetts seeing another COVID-19 surge UMass Memorial Health is reporting a steep increase in inpatient cases over the last month and a lack of beds to meet current patient demand.

In four weeks, there has been a rise from 70 to 198 inpatient cases, Dr. Eric Dickson, the president and CEO of UMass Memorial Health, wrote in an email to caregivers on Tuesday.

Learn More about Amid COVID surge, UMass Memorial Health CEO says there aren’t enough inpatient beds across system to meet the current demand

UMass Memorial Medical Center


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Holden Woman Recovering After Knee Surgery Delayed Twice Due To Pandemic, Staffing Shortages

HOLDEN (CBS) – Karen Raphaelson walks very carefully around her active dogs these days, just off knee replacement surgery that she had to wait a year for. “It’s been pretty bad, I’d fall a lot, my knee would give out,” said Raphaelson.

Learn More about Holden Woman Recovering After Knee Surgery Delayed Twice Due To Pandemic, Staffing Shortages

UMass Memorial Medical Center


News and Media


'No end in sight': Massachusetts hospital flooded with patients amidst COVID surge

Despite having one of the nation's highest vaccination rates, Massachusetts is in the midst of a full coronavirus resurgence. The state's daily case average is now at its highest point in nearly a year, and in the last month alone, new hospital admissions have more than doubled.

Learn More about 'No end in sight': Massachusetts hospital flooded with patients amidst COVID surge

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