Be Still My Heart: How Heart Attacks Look Different for Women
Chances are, you've seen at least one dramatic movie scene in which a man suddenly clutches his chest and falls to the floor.
Do Your Part, Know Your Heart
There's no better time than during Heart Month to get to know your heart a little better (and learn a few ways to keep it healthy)! After all, it's the only one you have. The most important step you can take to protect your heart is understanding your own individual risks for heart disease.
Cardiovascular Fitness - A Powerful Predictor of Health and Longevity
If you're looking to lower your risk of heart disease as you age, there is great news ahead! Research indicates you can lower your risk by improving your cardiovascular fitness, even as you age.
Why Wait? Take Control of Your Heart Health
You know you should pay more attention to your heart. Someone in your family probably has some form of heart disease. But you still haven't taken the steps or sat down to really think of ways to take control of your heart health. Don't wait.
I Love You Salt, But You're Breaking My Heart
Do you like salt? Do you love salt? If you answered yes to either question, you're not alone. Salt finds its way into an abundance of foods. Needless to say, this is not ideal for our health. So what can we do?
In this post, we will discuss the dangers of including too much salt in your diet.
The Heart Benefit of Berries
The sweet strawberry, the perfect bite-sized blueberry, the luscious raspberry. These palate-pleasing fruits are bursting with flavor. And something more: They contain anthocyanin a potential heart-protecting chemical.