What Is an Intensivist?

What is an Intensivist?

An intensivist is a board-certified physician who provides special care for critically ill patients. Also known as a critical care physician, the intensivist has advanced training and experience in treating this complex type of patient.

What Kind of Training does an Intensivist Have?

After medical school, an intensivist completes a residency and board certification in a specialty such as surgery, internal medicine, pulmonary medicine or pediatrics, plus an additional two- to three-year fellowship and certification in critical care medicine.

Volunteer Services

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Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

Reproductive Endocrinology and IVF in Central Massachusetts and Beyond

If you need assistance growing your family, diagnosing irregular periods, or managing midlife hormonal changes, you can count on UMass Memorial. Our program is home to leading fertility specialists (reproductive endocrinologists) who deliver a broad range of personalized services. You also receive ongoing support from highly skilled nurses who are with you every step of the way.