Infectious Diseases

Our specialists offer the latest tests and treatments for all types of infectious diseases.

Why Choose Us for Infectious Diseases Care?

Research-Based Treatments

UMass Memorial providers work alongside our academic partner, UMass Chan Medical School, on the latest research around infectious diseases. We use the newest developments in our treatments to ensure you get the most effective care.

Convenient Access

You can access infectious disease care at our community hospitals close to where you live and work. You don’t have to travel far for high-quality care. 

Experienced Team

Our specialists can help you prevent or manage all types of infectious diseases. We offer effective tests and treatments and compassionate support to get you feeling well again.

Specialized Tuberculosis Care in Harrington

UMass Memorial Health – Harrington provides easily accessible care to patients with tuberculosis or who may have been exposed to tuberculosis. This location offers one of the state’s Department of Public Health regional tuberculosis clinics, so you don’t need to travel a long distance for diagnosis and treatment.

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