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UMass Memorial Medical Center


News and Media


No ICU beds: Boston MedFlight's operations severely impacted by capacity, staffing crisis

Picture this: You're critically ill, perhaps dying, and your nearby hospital doesn't have any open beds in its intensive care unit.

You're taken to the sky in a medical helicopter, as paramedics and dispatchers search for an available ICU bed on the ground – in a health care system stressed by staffing shortages and hammered by COVID-19.

Learn More about No ICU beds: Boston MedFlight's operations severely impacted by capacity, staffing crisis

UMass Memorial Medical Center


News and Media


What will Boston’s new Wuniverse bring?

In her victory speech after cruising to a landslide win in the Boston mayor’s race, Michelle Wu spoke of the urgency of “bold” change to “meet the moment” the city is facing, a theme she sounded throughout her campaign. But she also talked about the importance of basic city services, saying her administration can pay attention to both. 

Learn More about What will Boston’s new Wuniverse bring?

UMass Memorial Medical Center


News and Media


'This is a promising first step': Hospital leaders say more reform needed to fix health care

Legislators are preparing a bill that would make it harder for large health systems to expand to the suburbs, a proposal that several hospital leaders applauded as a promising first step to shoring up the state’s most vulnerable institutions.

Learn More about 'This is a promising first step': Hospital leaders say more reform needed to fix health care

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