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UMass Memorial Health
|Services and Treatments
Contact Dermatitis Care
Contact dermatitis is when you have red, scaly, itchy skin caused by physical contact with a substance. Our expert dermatologists diagnose and treat contact dermatitis and help you manage the condition.
UMass Memorial Health
|Services and Treatments
Cosmetics and Laser Clinic
Maintaining your skin health is important, and our dermatologists are here to help. To best meet your needs, we offer a variety of cosmetic and laser treatment services.
UMass Memorial Health
|Services and Treatments
Genodermatosis Clinic
Genetic skin disorders can occur in both children and adults. If you think you may have a genetic skin condition, our specialized clinic can help.
UMass Memorial Health
|Services and Treatments
Phototherapy Clinic
Our experts use phototherapy, an ultraviolet light treatment that can reduce skin inflammation. The treatment slows down the growth of skin cells and helps skin conditions clear, but its impact is usually only temporary.
UMass Memorial Health
|Services and Treatments
Vitiligo Clinic and Research Center
Vitiligo is an autoimmune skin condition that causes white spots. Our Vitiligo Clinic and Research Center is globally recognized for our expert diagnosis and treatment.
UMass Memorial Health
|Services and Treatments
Hospital Medicine
During your stay in the hospital, receive compassionate, coordinated care and daily visits from a hospital medicine specialist (hospitalist).
UMass Memorial Health
|Services and Treatments
Men’s Urologic Health
Find complete, discreet care for urinary, reproductive and sexual problems from an expert team.
UMass Memorial Health
|Services and Treatments
Neurogenic Bladder
Find relief from nerve-related bladder problems and enjoy life again.
UMass Memorial Health
|Services and Treatments
Cardiology Second Opinion
Get a second opinion from the leading heart and vascular specialists in Central Massachusetts.