Palliative Care

We provide an extra layer of support that reduces the impact of symptoms and stress related to serious, chronic illnesses like cancer.

Why Choose Us for Palliative Services?

Commitment to Excellence

UMass Memorial Medical Center is a proud member of the Palliative Care Quality Collaborative. Working alongside programs from across the country, we are taking steps toward improving the care and well-being of people with serious illnesses. Our team continuously applies insights from this group to ensure services provide the maximum benefit to patients and caregivers.  

Team Approach

Caring for cancer and other serious medical issues often involves the expertise of many specialists. Palliative medicine doctors are part of this team. They meet frequently with other doctors, therapists and nurse navigators to manage the details of your care. These efforts help you receive comprehensive therapies that offer the best chances for healing. 


Our team is advancing the field through research. UMass Memorial participates in prominent research groups, like the National Palliative Care Quality Collaborative. Our interests include improving care for serious illness, facilitating quality improvement efforts and supporting community caregivers. 

Get Started

Call 855-UMASS-MD (855-862-7763) to make an appointment with a palliative care specialist

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