Cancer Survivorship Program

Our program gives cancer survivors the information and resources they need to confidently navigate life and optimize wellness after cancer treatment.

Health Issues You May Experience After Cancer Treatment

Even when treatment is successful, you will likely have lingering health concerns. Our survivorship specialists understand your needs and coordinate services to address them.

Health issues survivors are at risk for after cancer treatment include:

Cancer Survivorship Services: What to Expect

When you participate in our Cancer Survivorship Program, here’s what to expect:

Before Your Visit

We send you a questionnaire (either via MyChart or mail). Please complete it before your appointment. Your answers help our team focus on the topics that are most important to you.

Your Survivorship Consultation

Our team covers a variety of topics, including:

  • Therapies for late-onset and long-term side effects
  • Cancer surveillance, which includes regular scans to determine whether the cancer you have been treated for has come back
  • Preventive screenings, tests to check for cancer in other body areas, such as the breasts, lungs or colon
  • Health maintenance, which includes daily habits, like eating a balanced diet, that support your overall health

After Your Survivorship Consultation

We provide many types of information, including:

  • Cancer survivorship plan: We summarize the recommendations discussed during your consultation. The plan details which tests you need, how often you need them and how to access them. We also provide healthy living recommendations. And if you need therapies for late-onset or lingering health concerns, we provide referrals. 
  • Community resources specific to your needs: You may benefit from cancer survivor support groups and other local resources. 
  • Survivorship treatment summary: This document outlines your entire cancer journey, including the tests and treatments you received. It includes information that may be helpful to doctors outside of our Cancer Center who see you, like your primary care provider.

Get Started

Call 855-UMASS-MD (855-862-7763) to make an appointment with a cancer survivorship specialist.

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