Brain Tumors

Neuro-oncologists and neurosurgeons work with other specialists to deliver exceptional brain tumor care and outcomes.

Why Choose Us for Brain Tumor Care?

Team Approach

Our team of internationally recognized experts works together to help you get the most out of brain tumor treatment. Neurosurgeons, neuro-oncologists, neuropathologists, radiation oncologists and other providers regularly communicate throughout your course of care. We tailor services to your unique needs and adapt plans based on your response to therapy. 

Supportive Services

The physical and emotional effects of brain tumors can become overwhelming. The UMass Memorial team’s comprehensive approach includes extensive support services to ease this burden. You may benefit from nutritional counseling, home care coordination, pain management and palliative care services. These are some of our many cancer resources and support.



Groundbreaking Research

Our experts are engaged in research that uncovers new knowledge and advances the field. Focus areas include learning how brain tumors develop and using that information to test innovative treatment strategies. We have a particular interest in gliomas, meningiomas and metastatic brain cancer. Read more about our cancer research and clinical trials

Brain Tumor Services We Provide

You have access to sophisticated tests and brain tumor treatments that are not widely available. These services lead to a precise diagnosis and the most appropriate therapies for your needs.

Offerings include:

  • Cancer genetic testing: You may benefit from this service if you have a family history of certain brain tumor types. We perform testing to determine whether you carry genes responsible for these cancers. If you test positive, we put you in touch with brain tumor specialists who help you access additional services.
  • Advanced diagnostic studies: We use special technology to analyze the fine details of tumor cells (molecular fingerprinting). These studies provide valuable insights about the medical therapies most likely to halt tumor cell growth.
  • Surgery: Neurosurgeons use a variety of techniques to remove tumors with minimally invasive methods whenever possible. We often use real-time imaging to guide our efforts, leading to precise care. Capabilities also include skull base surgery, which involves sliding instruments through a nostril and toward the base of your skull. This technique helps you avoid a craniotomy and is gentler on nearby tissue.
  • Brain mapping (awake craniotomy): During brain tumor surgery, it’s critical to carefully navigate tissue controlling communication, movement and sensory functioning. We may wake you up and ask you to perform simple tasks while we stimulate the brain so we know which areas to avoid. You will not experience discomfort and might not remember this part of the procedure.
  • Chemotherapy and medical oncology: We use cancer-fighting drugs and other substances that are safe and effective for brain tumors. We often deliver these therapies after surgery to remove trace levels of cancer. They also help people whose tumors come back after treatment. Our neuro-oncologists stay current with the latest research so you receive exceptional care.
  • Radiation oncology: You have access to a broad range of options, including intensity-modulated radiation therapy. It continually adjusts radiation beams to fit the shape of the tumor, minimizing disruption to healthy tissue. For some tumors, stereotactic radiosurgery is appropriate. It delivers a high radiation dose in a single treatment session and may prevent the need for traditional surgery.

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