Health Library Your trusted resource for all types of health conditions, providing you the knowledge to make informed decisions about your health.
Simply Well Content to help you live healthy and well. Enhancing your lifestyle is part of our relentless pursuit of helping you live a healthy life.
Health Library Your trusted resource for all types of health conditions, providing you the knowledge to make informed decisions about your health.
Simply Well Content to help you live healthy and well. Enhancing your lifestyle is part of our relentless pursuit of helping you live a healthy life.
Our Physician Pledge Breadcrumb Home › UMass Memorial Medical Group › About UMass Memorial Medica... Our UMass Memorial Medical Group physicians provide you quality patient-centered care by following the guidelines of our physician pledge: I will treat my patients with courtesy and respect in every interaction. I will demonstrate this commitment to my patients by: Introducing myself and my team and describing our roles to them Providing them with my business card Demonstrating hand hygiene in front of them Sitting at eye level when I explain things to them Involving them (and their family if they choose) in discussions and decisions about their care and asking what is important to them Using words that they can understand and the language that they prefer Checking with them to ensure that their questions are answered Keeping my personal conversations out of their earshot Knocking and asking permission before I enter their room/space