Know Your Lung Cancer Risks This Know-vember

What better time than November to learn about lung cancer risks and the life-saving impact early screening has. Every year 200,000 Americans are diagnosed, and 160,000 die of lung cancer; this makes lung cancer the most common cause of cancer death worldwide. These numbers are startling, and it’s up to you to take the next step and be proactive before it’s too late.

Continue reading Know Your Lung Cancer Risks This Know-vember at Simply Well.

Make Potty Training Successful

Potting training can be both a daunting task and an exciting accomplishment for children and parents. Teaching your child to stay dry through the night requires more training and readiness on your child’s part. Teaching them to stay dry during the day is a task that can be started if he or she begins to show signs of readiness, usually between 18 and 24 months. In addition to signs of readiness, it’s important that your child is emotionally prepared for this task.

Continue reading Make Potty Training Successful at Simply Well.

Shoe Shopping for Healthy Feet

You walk on your feet every day, forcing them to support the weight of your body. Repeated stress on your feet can cause damage over time. The right shoes can help keep your feet healthy. The wrong shoes can cause foot problems.

What’s Your Foot Shape?

To get a good fit, you need to know the shape of your foot. Do this simple test: While standing, place your foot on a piece of paper and trace around it.

Continue reading Shoe Shopping for Healthy Feet at Simply Well.

What You Need for Your Daughter’s First Gynecologist Visit

Do you think it might be time for your daughter to see a gynecologist for the first time? The world of women's health is ready to welcome the next generation of women to our ranks! Good news, we're here to help her (and you!) get through that first visit with an obstetrician/gynecologist, also referred to as an Ob/Gyn.

Continue reading What You Need for Your Daughter’s First Gynecologist Visit at Simply Well.

Diving Into Diverticulitis: Treatment and Prevention

This time of year, corn on the cob is especially delicious. Do you have a friend who avoids eating corn and other foods like seeds, nuts, and popcorn due to diverticulitis? Or maybe the person I’m describing is you? Diverticular disease is on the rise in the U.S. and is more common in older Americans. Despite being so common, many don’t know exactly what it is.

Continue reading Diving Into Diverticulitis: Treatment and Prevention at Simply Well.

The Nest Isn’t Empty If You Are Still In It

You're officially an empty nester now that your last child has left the house. How do you feel? Are you ready to take on your newly changed parenting role? Or are you feeling a little down in the dumps?

Empty nest syndrome is real with feelings of sadness, depression and loneliness. Let's see if we can get you to look at your newfound freedom in a way you may have never envisioned before. Own it! And rule the roost!

Continue reading The Nest Isn’t Empty If You Are Still In It at Simply Well.

Prevent Drownings

The number of drownings this year seems to have skyrocketed. Drowning can occur silently and quickly, and for young children, it can happen in just inches of water. No matter the age, consider this information and warnings to prevent drownings no matter the age.

Continue reading Prevent Drownings at Simply Well.
