Information Regarding Providers

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UMass Memorial Medical Center (the “Hospital Facility”) does not employ its own physicians to perform medical services. Each physician or other third-party provider, if any, bills for their own medical services and follows their own financial assistance and billing and collection procedures.

Medicare Resource Center

Are you or a family member 65 or older and considering Medicare? UMass Memorial Health is here to support you every step of the way. If you have questions, our free Medicare Advisors, offered through our trusted partner Mass Advantage, can help by providing:

Community Resources

Good health requires not only quality medical care, but access to resources that support daily health and wellness. The community resources on this page are provided with the intention of helping all of our community members to access the programs and services they need to ensure a safe, healthy and enriching life.

Additional information and resources can be accessed through:

Care Management Resources

Care Management is designed to assist patients and their support systems in managing medical conditions and related psycho-social issues by communicating effectively. Our goal is to improve a patient’s functional health status through enhancing the coordination of care with available resources in a timely and cost-effective manner. Our case managers and social workers provide individualized services including:

Harrington Hospital Auxiliary

The Harrington Auxiliary is a dedicated group of individuals who have joined together since 1932 to volunteer their time and services to Harrington and the community. We work to create an atmosphere of friendliness, helpfulness and goodwill. We financially support programs and services that benefit the mission of Harrington HealthCare System, as well as the community.