| Food and Fitness

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Compared with highly processed foods that contain fillers, excess salt and sugar, and other non-nutritive ingredients that are less pricey, but come at a high cost to our health, purchasing whole foods may threaten to strain our food budget. However, adopting a few new practices may help eating healthy on a budget a little more attainable.
Learn More about Eating Healthy on a Budget

Doula Services Team

Our team includes dedicated providers who help our Black community have positive birth experiences and outcomes:

Cherise Hamblin, MD, Medical Director 

Dr. Cherise Hamblin, Medical Director

Dr. Hamblin has more than a decade of experience as an obstetrician/gynecologist.

She leads the Doula Program, making sure you have the extra help and support you need during pregnancy and childbirth.

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First and Last Name
