Low-Dose CT Lung Cancer Screening

Our nationally recognized screening services help people who face a higher lung cancer risk receive timely care.

How to Access Lung Cancer Screening Services

Insurance typically covers lung cancer screenings for eligible patients. If you want to know more, talk with your primary care provider. They determine your eligibility and discuss the risks and benefits of screening. 

If you wish to proceed, your doctor issues you a referral and a member of our team reaches out to schedule your scan. To learn more, email us at ctlungcancerscreening@umassmemorial.org.

Why Choose Us for Our Low-Dose CT Lung Cancer Screening Program?


Nationally recognized radiologists specializing in chest imaging interpret your scan. You can count on us for accurate readings because we are low-dose CT lung cancer screening pioneers. Our team played a role in developing methods that are used in clinics throughout the country. We review thousands of scans each year, enabling us to catch nodules that are easy to miss.

Patient-Centered Approach

From the moment we receive your referral, you receive attentive services. Patient navigators help schedule your screening and explain what to expect. After the scan, you receive the results promptly. Even if results are negative, eligible patients undergo annual scans. Keeping up with these screenings makes it easier to detect small changes that may require additional care.

Leading Lung Cancer Program

If we detect signs of cancer, we refer you to our comprehensive lung and thoracic cancer program. We are a leading cancer center in Central Massachusetts and offer advanced services, like robotic surgery, that are not widely available. An entire team of specialists comes together to deliver seamless, personalized care.

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