
Mindfulness: A Gateway to Transformation – A Three-Day Online Retreat to Deepen Practice
August 23 - 25
$495 USD

Meditation practice can help us understand the different habits and patterns of the mind, both the beautiful and the challenging.  Spending time on retreat gives us the time to stay with our direct experience which can illuminate so much of what happens in the experience of the mind and body.  This can support us in learning how to skillfully navigate what arises moment by moment.  In this way meditation practice can become a gateway to a deeper understanding and greater levels of awareness. It can also help us discover that no part of ourselves needs to be left out, even the places we get stuck or challenged.  Through meditation practice we may come to rediscover our intrinsic wholeness. We hope you will join us on this weekend of discovery and practice.

Register for August


Bringing Mindfulness Practice into Your Daily Life – A Three-Day Online Retreat to Deepen Practice
October 18 - 20
$495 USD

On this retreat we will focus on bringing mindfulness more deeply into our lives through the exploration of a framework for living a meaningful and ethical life. Understanding, developed through concentration and extended periods of mindfulness practice can settle the mind and allow us to see more clearly. Through this clear seeing we can cultivate new insights and wisdom to help us achieve more intentional lives through our work, our actions, and our interactions with others. Intention, along with the development and strengthening of these principles and practices can help us live more meaningful and connected lives. We hope you will join us on this weekend of silent exploration and insight. 

Register for October


These retreats are open to all. If you are interested in teaching MBSR, they fulfill a pre-requisite requirement for beginning a MBSR teacher training pathway at Brown University and other training organizations.

  • Take the next step: deepen your mindfulness practice and integrate teachings in ways that complement and expand upon what was learned in the MBSR course.
  • Embrace the strength of stillness and introspection, exploring the inner landscape and stepping away from daily routines and distractions.
  • Connect with a community of like-minded individuals and reinforce mindfulness skills and habits along with the guidance and support of an experienced teacher.
  • Recharge and reinvigorate your mindfulness practice, for your health and for a deeper sense of presence in daily life.


Retreat Schedule
This schedule applies to all retreats listed on this page.

  • Friday – Day 1 (12:30 - 9:30 pm, ET)
    • 4-5 hours of practice
    • Two 1-hour breaks
    • One talk, question and answer session
  • Saturday - Day 2 (9:30 am - 9:30 pm, ET)
    • Eight hours of practice
    • One 2-hour break
    • One 1-hour break
    • One talk
  • Sunday - Day 3 (9:30 am - 5:30 pm, ET)
    • 4-5 hours of practice
    • Two 1-hour breaks
    • Closing, sharing, question and answer session

Time Zone Converter for US Eastern Time

Mindfulness is a practice of awareness. It is grounded in the present moment and cultivates an ability to meet what arises with a steadiness of attention and acceptance. Experience the potential of mindfulness in an engaging, introspective, and supportive environment. Whether you're a graduate of one of our 8-week programs, or seeking to deepen your practice, these 3-day silent retreats offer you the opportunity to find silence, stillness, insight and renewal. Register today to secure your spot. Limited spaces available.

Instructor: Colleen Camenisch

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