Research and Clinical Trials
Under the co-direction of David Harlan, MD, and Dale Greiner, PhD, the UMass Memorial Diabetes Center of Excellence (DCOE) research team is working together to understand the root cause(s) of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, and to apply that knowledge to develop therapies to improve the quality of life for those living with diabetes.
Our investigators enjoy a rich and ongoing history of important basic research and clinical research advances designed to explain the disease.
Dr. Greiner, left, and Dr. Harlan, right, co-direct the Diabetes Center of Excellence.
The DCOE research team is exploring new treatment methods building on the strengths of our basic research, and we promote translational research to bring promising laboratory advances quickly and safely into clinical practice. Such knowledge is the shortest path to develop effective therapies and ultimately a cure.
Our strategies to prevent and cure Type 1 diabetes
Our strategies to prevent and cure Type 2 diabetes
Clinical Trials
Ongoing clinical trials at UMass Memorial Medical Center and UMass Medical School are focused on testing new treatment approaches designed to improve the quality of life of patients with diabetes. Our clinical trials offer you access to new therapies that are focused on better understanding the causes of diabetes. These studies can help improve diabetes management and treatment.
Learn more about our current diabetes clinical trials.