Mind Matters
How Mindfulness Can Improve Your Sleep
Getting a good night's sleep is essential for our physical and mental well-being. Struggling with sleep, however, is a common experience, especially during stressful or busy times. Stress and feeling overwhelmed often make it hard to fall or stay asleep.

Using Mindfulness as We Age
My father used to say that getting old wasn’t for the faint of heart. He was right; coping with a changing body and mind is challenging. Yet, we can choose to experience this change as an opportunity rather than a crisis.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can be a life-changing treatment for many people with major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety or insomnia.

Diabetes Patients Benefit From Practicing Mindfulness
For many people with diabetes, experiencing stress comes with the territory. That’s understandable – managing this chronic condition is hard work. The constant monitoring of blood sugar levels, diet, and sleep, as well as maintaining a strict medication regimen can be overwhelming.

Coping With Loneliness

Can Happiness Improve Health?

Stressed? Mindfulness Can Help
Throughout the year, stress can wear us down.

Using Mindfulness for Pain Management
The power of mindfulness is undeniable, and many people are embracing its potential to help manage pain. It takes compassionate courage to bring attention to the pain experience but doing so can be enlightening and empowering.

Mental Health Support During and After Pregnancy
Mental health and mood changes are very common during pregnancy and in the year after giving birth.