Diabetes Patients Benefit From Practicing Mindfulness
For many people with diabetes, experiencing stress comes with the territory. That’s understandable – managing this chronic condition is hard work. The constant monitoring of blood sugar levels, diet, and sleep, as well as maintaining a strict medication regimen can be overwhelming.

What Is Latent Autoimmune Diabetes?

Your Holiday Survival Guide for Diabetes
‘Tis the season for family, friends and food! Are you worried about the upcoming holiday party sabotaging your good efforts? It can be difficult not going overboard in the upcoming months, but here are a few tips for your ultimate holiday survival guide if you have diabetes or not.

Pumpkin Meatballs

Your Diabetes Sick-Day Plan

Hearty Irish Beef Stew

Ways to Reduce Health Complications from Diabetes
You have a lot to manage throughout the day. Errands. Appointments. Dinner. Work. Kids. Grandkids. And the plumber is coming.

18 Ways to Keep Diabetic Feet Healthy
Get in step when it comes to keeping your feet healthy especially if you have diabetes. People with diabetes can develop foot problems of all kinds. These problems can happen when there is nerve damage or poor blood flow. You may experience pain, tingling or weakness in the foot.

Coping with Emotions After a Difficult Diagnosis
There’s nothing easy about a difficult diagnosis, such as a serious disease or chronic condition.