Infants and Toddlers
Grandchild Coming Over? Use This Home Safety Checklist.
Finally, you’re going to have your little grandchild over for the entire weekend or just to spend the day with you. Before the big arrival, make sure you review our safety checklist to help ensure you’re doing all you can to keep your little one out of danger.
Take A Break to Avoid Shaken Baby Syndrome
Being a new parent can be a joyous time, but it can also test your patience. Your baby will cry for all sorts of reasons; sometimes they'll cry for no reason at all. This often makes it a struggle to keep your emotions in check. Learn ways to avoid shaken baby syndrome.
Improve Safety by Controlling Household Poisons
Some of the most common environmental health risks can impact a child’s health and development. These household poisons include carbon monoxide poisoning, mercury poisoning, household chemicals and pesticides, polluted water and lead poisoning. Each of these dangers could be present in your home.
Window Falls Can Be Prevented
As the warm weather is upon us, many of us will naturally open the windows in our homes. While we enjoy the ability to keep our home cool while keeping the insects out through the use of window screens, many of us don’t think about the hidden danger of what the window screen cannot keep in – a curious toddler.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) in Newborns
“Why didn’t anyone tell me?” is a common response from parents when they find out their newborn is infected with cytomegalovirus or CMV. CMV is the leading infectious cause of birth defects and neurodevelopmental disabilities in the U.S., but few states screen infants for it.
And Baby Makes Two…Addressing Sibling Rivalry
The arrival of a new baby can create feelings of jealousy and resentment in your older child, sometimes even before the new baby is born. While you, your family, and friends fawn over your new arrival, your older child can begin to feel left out, lonely and even angry. These feelings of sibling rivalry can lead to your older child acting out for the attention that he feels he is missing.
Child Life Specialists: Heroes Among Us
Heading to the hospital with your child? Maybe they need an IV placed or need to stay as an inpatient for a few days? Both you and your child are probably pretty stressed about the whole thing. But help is on the way! Our Children's Medical Center has certified child life specialists to help your family cope with a potentially stressful health care experience.
Make Potty Training Successful
Potting training can be both a daunting task and an exciting accomplishment for children and parents. Teaching your child to stay dry through the night requires more training and readiness on your child’s part. Teaching them to stay dry during the day is a task that can be started if he or she begins to show signs of readiness, usually between 18 and 24 months. In addition to signs of readiness, it’s important that your child is emotionally prepared for this task.
Got a Picky Eater on Your Hands?
Sometimes, despite your best efforts at cooking tasty, healthy meals for your child, your picky eater refuses to eat what’s on the plate. The hotdog octopus sitting on top of the whole wheat spaghetti just isn’t cutting it.
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