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Health Library Your trusted resource for all types of health conditions, providing you the knowledge to make informed decisions about your health.
Simply Well Content to help you live healthy and well. Enhancing your lifestyle is part of our relentless pursuit of helping you live a healthy life.
Meet The Leadership Team Breadcrumb Home › UMass Memorial Medical Group › About UMass Memorial Medica... About Us Meet The Leadership Team In This Section About Us Meet The Leadership Team UMass Memorial Medical Group LeadershipAndrew Karson, MD, Interim PresidentGerri Vaughan, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating OfficerPaula Gilmartin, Chief Financial Officer UMass Memorial Medical Group Board of TrusteesCeleste Straight, MD, ChairEric Dickson, MDTerence Flotte, MDJosephine Fowler, MDChristopher Marshall, MDJean McMurrayMax Rosen, MDKimberly SalmonMitchell Sokoloff, MDValerie Zolezzi-Wyndham, JDUMass Memorial Medical Group OfficersCeleste Straight, MD, ChairpersonAndrew Karson, MD, Interim PresidentFrank Smith, Esq., SecretaryGerri Vaughan, Treasurer