Can You Work Out Too Much?
We've all heard the saying "no pain, no gain" when it comes to exercising, but how do you know when it's become too much pain? Before muscles can strengthen themselves, the muscles first must be stressed.

We've all heard the saying "no pain, no gain" when it comes to exercising, but how do you know when it's become too much pain? Before muscles can strengthen themselves, the muscles first must be stressed.
A scoop of ice cream or a tall glass of milk with freshly baked cookies can be a great treat, but what if these treats cause an upset stomach on a regular basis?
Nursing care at UMass Memorial Medical Center is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care and safety to our patients. As part of this commitment, we provide you with the table below, which displays information on nurse-to-patient ratios for all the Intensive Care Units (ICUs) within UMass Memorial Medical Center. We have made this information available to you in accordance with Massachusetts regulation 958 CMR 8.00.
Reporting Period: July - September 2021
Please contact your doctor's office if you have any questions about the day of the test. Below are some important reminders:
Contact your insurance company directly before your appointment if you have any questions about coverage, co-pays, or deductibles.
Bring all of your insurance information with you to your appointment.
Dress comfortably; separates such as tops and pants or a skirt are best. You will disrobe from the waist up and we will provide a gown.
Mammograms do not require medication and are non-invasive.