A Look at Mammography: 2D vs 3D
he best weapon against breast cancer is prevention and early diagnosis through screening. But at what age should you have your first screening? And what screening exam should you choose?

he best weapon against breast cancer is prevention and early diagnosis through screening. But at what age should you have your first screening? And what screening exam should you choose?
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Families and caregivers alike shared in a special ceremony announcing a new multidisciplinary Down Syndrome Center at
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It's flu season in Massachusetts with an increase in confirmed flu cases. Fight the flu by being smart and preventing its spread.
If you or loved one are experiencing flu-like symptoms, talk to or visit with your primary care physician. If you need help finding a primary care physician, call 855-UMASS-MD (855-862-7763).
The most common symptoms are: cough or sore throat, and may also include body aches, headache, chills, runny nose and feeling very tired.
Fight the flu through prevention and early treatment.
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