California Marinated Salad
- 3 nectarines, chopped
- 1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms, quartered
- 1 c. cherry tomatoes, halved
- 1/2 c.
Prejuvenation: Preventive Tactics To Stave off Signs of Aging Skin
Mental Health Isn't a 1-Person Battle
Walk Toward a Healthier You
What Stress Does to the Body, and How Mindfulness Can Help
When our prehistoric ancestors faced terrifying situations like a hungry wooly mammoth, their endocrine system would flood their bodies with the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. This "fight-or-flight" stress response provided a burst of energy so they could respond to the dangerous predator.
Types of Living Organ Donations
Related living donors are blood relatives of transplant candidates. They can be:
- Parents
- Siblings
- Children over age 18
- Aunts, uncles, cousins, half-siblings, nieces, nephews
Unrelated living donors are individuals who have a relationship with but are not blood-related to a transplant candidate. They include:
Can You Be a Living Kidney Donor?
Why be a living organ donor
Perhaps the simplest—and most profound—reason to be a living kidney is that you can save the life of someone with kidney. There are numerous other benefits of living organ donation, including: