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Rishi Vohora, DO

Everyone, Everyday. Relentlessly: Meet Rishi Vohora, DO

As we update our brand name to UMass Memorial Health and launch a new brand campaign, it’s time to tell the world who we are, what we do and what we stand for as a health care system. Our relentless caregivers are the inspiration for the update of our new brand name and campaign. Find out more about these caregivers and why it takes everyone, every day working together relentlessly to care for our patients and each other. Recently, we interviewed Rishi Vohora, DO, who shared his thoughts with us on everything from the pandemic to his philosophy on providing care to his patients.

You could say that cardiologist Rishi Vohora, DO, was destined to become a physician. In his early years of growing up in England, Dr. Vohora was exposed to his grandfather’s general practice where patients were cared for in an office integrated into his grandfather’s home and their life. 

This early exposure to caring helped form Dr. Vohora into the physician that he has become. Colleagues describe him as “compassionate, kind and considerate” … “sympathetic and sincere” … “honest and reliable.” Nurse Margaret “Sue” Casaceli, RN, has worked with Dr. Vohora for years in the Stress Lab at UMass Memorial - Marlborough Hospital as he refers many of his clinic patients for outpatient stress testing and monitor applications: “He has never once been too busy to come and see our patients in the Stress Lab if we need his expertise. He is always ready and willing to treat our patients with exceptional care and is dedicated to seeing that we are all providing the best care we can to our patients!”

Gelling together as a team with a single-minded focus to care for patients and each other is how Dr. Vohora and his colleagues managed the COVID-19 pandemic. When looking back, Sue pointed out how Dr. Vohora “always remains very calm in stressful situations. He is competent, yet very unassuming.” 

The pandemic is a time we will all remember. Dr. Vohora recalled, “Just as 9/11 changed how I felt as an American, the trauma of COVID-19 will not be forgotten. There was a palpable sense of fear that we had to work through, and we handled it. There was never a sense of animosity in the organization; instead, we never felt more aligned. Every fight felt like my fight. We had to work together to keep employees safe and care for our patients. And, as things changed, we proved our organization’s ability to be agile. We were unquestionably relentless.”

Proud of the role he continues to play caring for the community, Dr. Vohora provides top-notch cardiology care locally at Marlborough Hospital and, when needed, can access integrated care in Worcester. The practice of cardiology can lead to tense scenarios, and Dr. Vohora feels privileged to part of helping patients through difficult times. “I’m regularly reminded about how seemingly simple interactions are tremendously important to our patients. They’re scared, and a simple interaction that is basic for me provides reassurance that they'll get back to doing normal things they want to do. Providing this relief is a constant small reward,” said Dr. Vohora.

His collaborative approach to medicine helps him connect with his patients. “I want to feel like I’m doing something with patients, not to them. When there’s a worrisome scenario, I find it’s most effective to be honest and straightforward, and openly and calmy discuss the situation. Communication is important. I want to ensure that my patients understand their options. I counsel and guide patients, and we discuss the risks and benefits. I encourage my patients to write things down, then go home, think about it, and come back with a loved one for support. This approach makes patients feel respected,” explained Dr. Vohora. And likewise, that approach to care has earned him the respect of his patients and colleagues.

Fellow cardiologist Joseph Bouchard, MD, trained together with Dr. Vohora during their residency and fellowship. “I have had a first-hand seat to watch him become an amazing clinician and physician leader. He is now Medical Director of Cardiology at Marlborough and is truly relentless in his pursuit to provide an environment that fosters excellent patient care. I couldn’t ask for a better friend and colleague!” noted Dr. Bouchard.

When he’s not caring for patients’ hearts, Dr. Vohora keeps the beat going a little differently with music and his family. In his personal time, Dr. Vohora rocks — literally — with his three kids in a home-grown band aptly named “The Bare Metal Stents.” While jamming on guitar, he could be nurturing the next generation of rock-star, relentless physicians. Thank you, Dr. Vohora!