Bob Linscott

Bob Linscott, MS, MTS

Bob Linscott, M.S., MTS

Certified MBSR Teacher


  • B.S., Emerson College, 1988
  • Master of Theological Studies, MTS, Harvard Divinity School, 1997

Focus and Interests

Brenda Fingold

Brenda Fingold

Brenda Fingold, JD, MA

Certified MBSR Teacher


MA, Pastoral Studies, Andover Newton Theological School, 2015
JD, New York University School of Law, 1984 
BA, Sociology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1981

Provider Recognition - APP

At UMass Memorial Health, we value our caregivers! We know how hard you work to create a wonderful experience for our patients and deliver the highest-quality care. So, we do our best to make sure you know how much we appreciate you by holding events throughout the year to show our gratitude.