80 Percent of Us Admit We Don't Know What This Is

Despite the common consumer misconception that vaping is only dangerous when the substance contains vitamin E, medical science says otherwise.
The UMass Memorial HealthAlliance-Clinton Hospital PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Program is a one-year training program that begins around the first of July and continues through to the end of June the following year.
Thank you for your interest in our PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Program. We hope that through browsing the pages of this website you see all the great things our hospital and program has to offer. Our personal road to residency training began in the Summer of 2018 and we have been working diligently since then on developing our program and tailoring the requirements and learning experiences to the strengths of both our hospital and our department. We were granted pre-candidate status by ASHP in July of 2019 and have since participated in the volu
Welcome and thank you for your interest in our PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Program!
It's a conversation few of us want to have, but it's imperative to have it. 'It' refers to talking to loved ones, often our aging parents, about their health and medical care, including at the end of life. These are some of the most important topics we should address.
By now, you know to eat right and try to live a healthy lifestyle. You understand that a lot of sugar is bad for you, as is smoking, and that you should be focused on getting your daily servings of fruits and veggies.