Pancreatic Cancer

Our highly qualified and compassionate team delivers nationally recognized pancreatic cancer treatment closer to home.

Pancreatic Cancer Services We Provide

From diagnosis to treatment and recovery, UMass Memorial’s program has more of the services you need. Our offerings, some of which are not widely available elsewhere, include:

  • Cancer genetic testing: Some pancreatic malignancies are due to cell changes (mutations) passed down in families. We are one of the few programs in the region with on-site testing to detect these mutations. This information enables us to tailor services to your needs.
  • Pancreatic imaging: You have access to standard imaging techniques and sophisticated options like magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography. This test enables us to assess the fine details of structures within the pancreas.
  • Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS): Gastroenterologists slide a thin tube along the digestive tract to access the pancreas. A tiny imaging device and needle at the tip enable us to examine the area of concern and take a tissue sample.
  • Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: This technique is similar to EUS but uses a video camera to examine the pancreas. We use this technique to take tissue samples or place stents (hollow mesh tubes) to reopen narrowed passages.
  • Surgery: We offer the Whipple procedure, which removes the first part of the pancreas (head) and nearby tissue and reconnects the remaining organs. Our capabilities also include pancreas transplants. These are some of the many procedures available at UMass Memorial.

Why Choose Us for Pancreatic Malignancy Care?

Team Approach

We are one of the few Central Massachusetts programs with a team of specialists working together to treat pancreatic cancer. Your care team may include specialists in surgical oncology, radiation therapy, medical oncology, gastroenterology, abdominal imaging, palliative care and other experts. A nurse navigator coordinates services and answers all your questions.

Advancing the Field

UMass Memorial is a proud member of the Precede Consortium. This group of prominent medical centers from around the world is taking steps to improve pancreatic cancer survival. We are exploring methods for identifying people at higher risk for these malignancies and detecting tumors sooner.

Supportive Care and Survivorship Services

Pancreatic malignancy treatment and side effects can impact your daily life. Nutritionists, palliative medicine providers and other specialists help you access cancer resources and support that bring relief. After treatment, we continue looking after your well-being through our Cancer Survivorship Program.

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