How Five Seconds Can Change Your Life

Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. When traveling at 55 mph, that's enough time to cover the length of a football field blindfolded.
Are you guilty? Just a little? Do you sneak a peek? Only at stop signs or red lights?
Do you really think you can safely drive 120 yards without looking? Think about the child running in the street after a ball. Or, the bicyclist riding next to you. Or, the driver in the oncoming car who is also texting.
It's just not worth the risk or your life. Six percent of the people who died in distraction-affected crashes in 2021 were teens 15 to 19 years old according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on your phone, There were 296 people who died in crashes in 2021 that involved distracted teen drivers 15 to 19. In 2021 alone, 3522 people were killed and 362,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers. Texting while driving is already banned in Massachusetts and 46 other states.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among U.S. teens. About 2,800 teens ages 13–19 were killed and about 227,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes in 2020. The risk of motor vehicle crashes is higher among teens ages 16–19 than among any other age group.
Don't be a statistic. Only use your cell phone for true emergency situations, pull over when you feel drowsy, limit the number of passengers and activity inside the car, and avoid eating while driving. Whatever you're doing besides driving can wait! Driving distracted is deadly, not only to you and your passengers, but also to everyone else on the road.
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