Spiritual and Pastoral Services
Patients and Visitors
Patients and Visitors
UMass Memorial Medical Center Clergy Visitation Policy
Pastoral care at UMass Memorial Medical Center is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide spiritual support to patients, their families and their friends. Board-certified chaplains are trained and experienced in providing comfort as well as religious or emotional care as part of the healing process.
The UMass Memorial Department of Pastoral Care offers a ministry of presence and of spiritual care dedicated to providing encouragement, understanding, hope and healing. Chaplains and members of the clergy associated with our Department of Pastoral Care are available for conversation, prayer, counsel, sacraments or sharing sacred texts. Our chaplains can also help dealing with grief and loss, as well as, in understanding advance directives.
We understand that being a hospital patient, having a physical illness, or dealing with the responsibilities of having a hospitalized family member can be stressful and difficult to comprehend. It is not unusual to feel lonely, depressed or anxious. Quite often, many patients and families find it helpful to have a chaplain or a member of the clergy nearby to discuss spiritual issues.
The Department of Pastoral Care strives to ensure timely access to spiritual and pastoral care for all, either by the direct service of staff chaplains or by networking with Worcester-area religious and spiritual representatives of all faith groups and denominations. Chaplains are available on the Memorial and University Campuses daily from 8 am to 4:30 pm. Please ask the patient's nurse to contact the on-call chaplain for any urgent concerns or to reach a chaplain after hours.
On the University Campus, Mass is held Sundays, 10:30 am, Faculty Conference Room and Wednesdays, noon, chapel. On the Memorial Campus, Mass is held Sundays, 3:30 pm, Hope Chapel.
To contact the Department of Pastoral Care, call:
University Campus
774-443-2466 (Catholic chaplain)
508-334-6416 (Jewish chaplain)
508-334-6420 (Protestant chaplain)
Memorial Campus
508-334-6487 (Catholic chaplain)
508-334-6416 (Jewish chaplain)
508-334-6420 (Protestant chaplain)