NICU Family Resource Center
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Family Resource Center provides a friendly, comfortable space where parents and families with babies in the NICU can access current, high-quality resources in support of their health information needs.
- Books and materials that focus on prematurity, parenting, breastfeeding, newborn growth and development
- Brochures and pamphlets relevant to car seat safety, respiratory syncytial virus, infant feeding and developmental progress
- DVDs and videos on the NICU experience, newborn care, parenting and home safety
- Information on community resources and support groups
- Internet information that pertains to prematurity, parenting and breastfeeding (online resources available during staffed hours)
Most materials are available for loan. Simply fill out the lending card located in back of the book or video. Due to limited library collections, lending times are for one week. Staff will assist users in locating resources to answer specific concerns. If resources (print or online) are not available in the center, we will contact the UMass Medical School libraries, outside institutions and other organizations for further information.
Patient Information
The library is staffed during the designated times, however, services can still be accessed 24 hours a day. If staff is not present when a specific need arises, simply fill out the "Request for Information" form that is located on the desk in the Family Resource Center. When the request is filled out, please leave it on the library desk and it will be attended to as soon as possible.
Supporting the Family Resource Center
Give a lasting gift by donating a favorite or helpful book to the center. An acknowledgement will be sent to each family. In addition, a bookplate bearing the family's name will be noted on the inside of the donated book.